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We at KIMITAKE acknowledge the importance of online presences and are mindful of taking important steps to prevent harmful harassment online.
A note from KIMITAKE designer Kimio Fukutani:
It is unfortunate that bullies feel empowered behind the safety of a screen, saying harmful things that have real world consequences.
Even in Japan, many public figures have been slandered on the Internet, and it has become a big social problem.
I had the misfortune to be a target myself, resulting in severe damage to my reputation.
But I was lucky to not be alone during that bad experience.
My business partner helped me to hope for justice that too few people are really able to achieve. And finally, the bully targeting me was arrested.
These courageous actions were widely reported (BBC, etc.), making the world news and causing an international stir.
Like me, the world cannot endure defamation and most people do not have the courage to fight alone.
I had my business partner by my side, but many have no such support. Some even end up taking their own lives.
Because I have personally suffered from slander, I know how difficult it is to endure and what it can make people to do. I understand how it can drive a person to suicide.
KIMITAKE is therefore donating 1% of its sales to help prevent cyber bullying, giving as many people as possible the support they need to respect and save their lives.